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CSS Counter-increment and counter-reset

Please can someone explain to me why I am getting '1' even though reset is not applied to the subsection counter.I mean should I not get 1.1, 1.2 ,1.3 instead of 1.1, 1.1,1.1 for all h2 tag under the same h1 tag?I am a beginner in learning CSS and it would help me a lot if any one could explain.Thanks in advance. The code is:

<!DOCTYPE html>
body {
    counter-reset: section;

h1 {
    counter-reset: section;

h1:before {
    counter-increment: section;
    content: "Section " counter(section) ". ";

h2:before {
    counter-increment: subsection;
    content: counter(section) "." counter(subsection) " ";


<p><b>Note:</b> IE8 supports these properties only if a !DOCTYPE is specified.</p>

<h1>HTML tutorials</h1>
<h2>HTML Tutorial</h2>
<h2>XHTML Tutorial</h2>
<h2>CSS Tutorial</h2>

<h1>Scripting tutorials</h1>

<h1>XML tutorials</h1>


Output: 输出

Please try this:

Instead of

h1 {
    counter-reset: section;

It will be

h1 {
    counter-reset: subsection;

See this very good article on counter-reset property.


As it said, h1 element is used to reset h2 counter-increment when a new h1 occurs in the code.

Example :

<h1>HTML tutorials</h1> // count 1 
<h2>HTML Tutorial</h2> // count 1.1 because you have one h1 above
<h2>XHTML Tutorial</h2> // count 1.2
<h2>CSS Tutorial</h2> // count 1.3

<h1>Scripting tutorials</h1> // count 2 because of the new h1 tag
<h2>JavaScript</h2> // count 2.1 because of the reset after the new h1 appears
<h2>VBScript</h2> // count 2.2

So you have to use this code to make the reset works properly on h2:before counter :

h1 {
    counter-reset: subsection // which is the name of h2 counter-increment;

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