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ScalaFX Button => How to define the action?

I'm trying to definde the onAction accion for a Button done in scalafx but I can't make it to work.

package App.Desktop

import javafx.event.EventHandler

import scalafx.event.ActionEvent

import scalafx.scene.control.Button

class Window() {

  btn_YES.onAction = (event: ActionEvent) => 
   new EventHandler[ActionEvent] {
     override def handle(event: ActionEvent) {
        /*Do something*/

I've done this but I get an error

Error: type mismatch;
 found   : scalafx.event.ActionEvent => javafx.event.EventHandler[scalafx.event.ActionEvent]
 required: javafx.event.EventHandler[javafx.event.ActionEvent]
  btn_YES.onAction = (event: ActionEvent) => new EventHandler[ActionEvent]

I also tried to use the javafx.event.ActionEvent instead of scalafx but it doesn't work either.

Any clue?


Fist, working with ScalaFX it is important to import scalafx.Includes._ . It brings in many ScalaFX features.

There are two recomended ways to add onAction handler. The main one is to use (event:ActionEvent) => { ... ) closure:

import scalafx.Includes._
import scalafx.event.ActionEvent

btn_YES.onAction = (event: ActionEvent) =>  {
  /*Do something*/

If you do not care about event object. You can save some typing and use handle {...} :

import scalafx.Includes._

btn_YES.onAction = handle {
  /*Do something*/

In both cases you need to import scalafx.Includes._

I'm not a Scala programmer, but it looks like you are mixing two different forms here: a lambda expression and an explicit class.


package App.Desktop

import javafx.event.EventHandler

import javafx.event.ActionEvent

import scalafx.scene.control.Button

class Window() {

    btn_YES.onAction = 
        new EventHandler[ActionEvent] {
            override def handle(event: ActionEvent) {
                /*Do something*/



package App.Desktop

import javafx.event.EventHandler

import javafx.event.ActionEvent

import scalafx.scene.control.Button

class Window() {

  btn_YES.onAction = (event: ActionEvent) =>  {
        /*Do something*/


You can use this for button action,

btn_YES.setOnAction(new EventHandler<ActionEvent>() {
    public void handle(ActionEvent event) {
            //Do some action here

I am tried

Import scalafx.Includes._
import scalafx.event.ActionEvent

btn_YES.onAction = (event: ActionEvent) =>  {
  /*Do something*/

import scalafx.Includes._

btn_YES.onAction = handle {
  /*Do something*/

on javafx.scene.SubScene.setOnKeyPressed (..), setOnMouseEntered(..) it definitely does NOT WORK.

new EventHandler[KeyEvent]() {
      override def handle(event:KeyEvent){...}

that work for me.

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