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How can I remove the size line in the hoverinfo of a Plotly chart in R?

I've found the following page instructing how to create custom hover text for plotly charts in R.


This seems to do exactly what I want, however when I copy the code (see below) into RStudio and run it locally I get an extra line in in my hoverinfo, showing the size variable.

Screenshot of the chart in RStudio:


How can I remove this "wt (size): 1.835" line in hoverinfo?

p <- mtcars %>% 
  plot_ly(x = disp, y = mpg, mode = "markers", color = cyl, size = wt, 
          hoverinfo = "text",
          text = paste("Displacement = ", mtcars$disp, "Miles Per Gallon = ", mtcars$mpg)) %>% 
  layout(title ="Custom Hover Text")

I can achieve what you want, but it's ugly, and really a bit of a hack. I'm not overly proud of this but here we go.

# Your plot
p <- mtcars %>% 
    plot_ly(x = disp, y = mpg, mode = "markers", color = cyl, size = wt, 
            hoverinfo = "text",
            text = paste("Displacement = ", mtcars$disp, "Miles Per Gallon = ", mtcars$mpg)) %>% 
    layout(title ="Custom Hover Text")

# Get the list for the plot
pp <- plotly_build(p)

# Pick up the hover text
hvrtext <- pp$data[[1]]$text

# Split by line break and wt
hvrtext_fixed <- strsplit(hvrtext, split = '<br>wt')

# Get the first element of each split
hvrtext_fixed <- lapply(hvrtext_fixed, function(x) x[1])

# Convert back to vector
hvrtext_fixed <- as.character(hvrtext_fixed)

# Assign as hovertext in the plot 
pp$data[[1]]$text <- hvrtext_fixed

# Plot

I came here looking for same solution and the above one worked after some haggle but I ultimately found the right method later. Here it is:

Put your 'Size' variable inside marker=list()

So instead of

 plot_ly(x = disp, y = mpg, mode = "markers", color = cyl, size = wt, 
          hoverinfo = "text",
          text = paste("Displacement = ", mtcars$disp, "Miles Per Gallon = ", mtcars$mpg)) 

You can use

  plot_ly(x = disp, y = mpg, mode = "markers", color = cyl, marker=list(size=wt), 
              hoverinfo = "text",
              text = paste("Displacement = ", mtcars$disp, "Miles Per Gallon = ", mtcars$mpg)) 

That worked for me.

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