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Functor instance of State

instance Functor (State s) where
  fmap f (State g) = State $ \s0 -> 
      let (a, s1) = g s0
      in (f a, s1)

It is implementation of Functor for State . I cannot understand how does it work? Especially, g is used as it would be a function but on my eye it is not a function. It is just object ( perhaps function) but I cannot understand why it is function. After all, it should be some state so it can for example Int

Please make clear.

It looks like your state type looks like:

data State s a = State (s -> (a ,s))

so your fmap function should have type:

fmap :: (a -> b) -> (State s a) -> (State s b)

when you match on the input state value in

fmap f (State g) = State $ \s0 -> 

g is a function s -> (a, s) and you need to construct one of type s -> (b, s) .

(a, s1) = g s0

applies the input state to the existing stateful computation, binding a to the result and s1 to the new state. It then applies f to a to obtain the mapped result value in

(f a, s1)

while the state returned from g is unchanged.

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