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Phalcon Template “Undefined variable” (variable is set)

I want to show a template file (ajax include) with variable from controller. I want to create a simple shoutbox.

development environment:

PHP Version 5.6.19 (xampp)

Phalcon 2.1.0r (php c-ext)

Windows 10

IDE Netbeans

This is the include part: (it works)

 $("#shoutbox_messages").load("{{ static_url("shoutbox/getshouts") }}"); 

This is my controller function (app/controllers/ShoutboxController.php):

    public function getshoutsAction() {

    $shouts = $this->di->getModelsManager()
            ->columns(array('Shouts.*', 'Users.name'))
            ->orderBy('Shouts.created_at DESC')


    $this->view->setVar("shouts", $shouts);


This is my view file (app/views/shoutbox/getshouts.twig):

{% for shout in shouts %}

<div class="panel panel-default">
    <div class="panel-heading">
        <h3 class="panel-title">{{ shout.name }}</h3>
    <div class="panel-body">
        {{ shout.shouts.text }} 

{% endfor %}

(The twig file extension is set as the volt engine file extension.)

This view is part of a layout file (included from the main layout):

 {# Shoutbox #} <div id="flash_sb"></div> {% include "shoutbox/shoutform.twig" %} <hr/> <div id="shoutbox_messages"> {% include "shoutbox/getshouts.twig" %} </div> 

I don't know why i get an error when include this file:

Notice: Undefined variable: shouts (in app/views/shoutbox/getshouts.twig)

When i use only the controller/action ( http://myurl/shoutbox/getshouts ) it works. I have access to the variable "shouts".

I don't understand why this works when i use http://myurl/shoutbox/getshouts but in the layout there is no var "shouts".

If u need more information tell me please.

I hope someone can tell me whats wrong.


{% include "shoutbox/getshouts.twig" with ['shouts': shouts] %}

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