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Using Parse Javascript SDK in express app with Parse-Server

I have a node.js express app using the Parse Javascript SDK and Parse-Server.

I've set everything up according to the guide but the JS SDK is not working.

I'm getting {error:unauthorized} . I can access my server with REST API just fine but not from within the app using the JS SDK.

I read that you have to specify useMasterKey = true for all operations with Parse-Server so:

var User = Parse.Object.extend('_User');
var query = new Parse.Query(User);
query.useMasterKey = true;

query.find().then( function(results) {
function(error) {

Should return the same data that this curl does (right?):

curl -X GET \
-H "X-Parse-Application-Id: myAppId" \
-H "X-Parse-Master-Key: myMasterKey" \

Alas, this is not the case.

Same error message when I try to run the default cloud code function:

 Parse.Cloud.run('hello').then( function(response) {
 function(error) {

Any ideas that might help? Thanks.

Got it!

What did it for me were these lines in my Express app

 var Parse = require('parse/node').Parse;
 Parse.initialize('app_id', 'js_key','master_key');
 Parse.serverURL = 'serverURL';

After these lines, any kind of call that requires Cloud Code usage or Parse usage were authorized

My problem was inexperience:

I am using body-parser and had the app set up to use that module's raw , json , text , and urlencoded middleware functions.

I only needed the urlencoded option. I removed the others and the JS SDK started working fine. Somehow, the other functions were interfering with the SDK.

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