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Connecting to Cayley serving over localhost

I've followed the 'Getting Started' guide in Cayley's documentation and installed Cayley on my remote server:

Getting Started: https://github.com/google/cayley

Server OS : CentOS 7.2.1511

I've added cayley to my $PATH:

echo $PATH :


Here is my config file at /etc/cayley.cfg

  "database": "leveldb",
  "db_options": {
    "cache_size_mb": 2,
    "write_buffer_mb": 20
  "db_path": "~/cayley/src/github.com/google/cayley/data/testdata.nq",
  "listen_host": "",
  "listen_port": "64210",
  "read_only": false,
  "replication_options": {
    "ignore_missing": false,
    "ignore_duplicate": false
  "timeout": 30

I serve cayley over http by simply doing:

cayley http

and the terminal outputs:

Cayley now listening on

On my main machine (Mac OSX 10.10.5 Yosemite), I've used npm to install the cayley package and written a test:


var cayley = require('cayley');

var client = cayley("");

var g = client.graph;

g.V().All(function(err, result) {
    if(err) {
   } else {

However, it fails when I run it: node testconnection.js

error: Error: Invalid URI ""

I'd like to connect to Cayley and modify the database from my test. I've found a great powerpoint full of Cayley information:


As well as pertinent Cayley docs:
- Overview Doc
- Configuration Doc

And a post on stackoverflow:
- Cayley db user and password protection over HTTP connections

But I'm struggling to come up with a way to connect Cayley (on my remote machine) with my local machine. I'd like to connect with npm if possible, but am open to other options. Where am I going wrong?

Edit #1

I've appended the "http://" to my ip, so now it reads . At that point, I solved another issue by performing

cayley init --config=/etc/cayley.cfg as mentioned by the author here

I've also removed the listen_post and listen_port from my config file (each individually first, then both), yet have still have the same socket hang up error. Here's a printout of client from the test script:

Client {
    host: '',
        { [Function]
        get: [Function],
        head: [Function],
        post: [Function],
        put: [Function],
        patch: [Function],
        del: [Function],
        cookie: [Function],
        jar: [Function],
        defaults: [Function] },
    graph: Gremlin { client: [Circular], query: [Function] },
    g: Gremlin { client: [Circular], query: [Function] },
    write: [Function: bound ],
    delete: [Function: bound ],
    writeFile: [Function: bound ]

Your Cayley server is listening on / localhost and therefor not reachable from another machine. To be able to reach it from a virtual machine or another computer on your network it needs to bind to an interface that is reachable.

If you configure host: and check what is your network IP (I assume: and connect it, it should work or you need to open it or forward the port on your firewall (depending on your network).

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