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iOS not sure what type of segue to use after modal VC

In my app I open a "advanced search" as a modal segue. But now I am not sure on what is the proper way to display the next segues.

Right now it looks like this:

tab controller -> tableview -> searchVc(modal segue) -> tableview(modal segue) -> tableview(modal segue)

Everything works fine, I have made my own "back buttons" in the modal VC's, but I am not sure if this is the right way to do it.

Should I instead use?:

tab controller -> tableview -> searchVc(modal segue) -> navigation controller -> tableview(push) -> tableview(push)

It is a search form that opens in a modal segue, then I can select a city which opens a tableview and after that select state which opens another table view.

Both are fine, you can use either modal or push, it's your wish. I prefer modal.

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