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C# How to trigger an event when a static Arraylist count is changed?

I have a static array list in class called cart, is there a way to implement event listener to be used by other classes? I am new to c# tried to understand PropertyChangedEventHandler with no success. The arraylist and property are initialized as below:

private static ArrayList cartList = new ArrayList();

    public static ArrayList CartList
        get { return cartList; }
            cartList = value;


Altered @KMC code to work with List by hiding base methods:

public class ListOfProducts : List<Product>

    public void Add(Product obj)

    public void UpdateLast(Product obj)
        base[base.Count - 1] = obj;
    public void Remove(Product obj)

    public void Clear()

    public event EventHandler Change;

    protected void OnChange()
        if (this.Change != null)
            this.Change(this, new EventArgs() { });

You can't get notified when count of elements in ArrayList changes nor when any element changes.

ArrayList and most other standard collections in .Net Framework like List<T> , Dictionary and arrays (except specialized classes like ObservableCollection in WPF) do not provide notification on items added/removed. You can easily check that by looking at MSDN entry for corresponding class and see if it implements INotifyCollectionChanged and/or INotifyPropertyChanged . Ie ArrayList only implements IList, ICollection, IEnumerable, ICloneable and no notification interfaces.

If you need notification of such change you should create your own class with such notification or use ObservableCollection .

Side note: please consider using List<T> instead of non-generic ArrayList - ArrayList vs List<> in C# .

the ArrayList type is extensible. you can override the add and remove methods and fire some events.

for ex)

public class NewArrayList : ArrayList 
    public event EventHandler Change; 

    public override int Add(object value)
       var result = base.Add(value);
        return result;

    public override void Remove(object obj)

    protected void OnChange()
        if (this.Change != null)
            this.Change(this, new EventArgs() { });
public static class program
    static void Main(string[] args)

        var list = new NewArrayList();
        list.Change += delegate (object sender, EventArgs arg) {
            Console.WriteLine("collect changed {0}", list.Count);




since the ArrayList needs to send some type of message (event) and I'm not sure who will be receiving it, I'll leave it up to you.

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