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Allow/Deny Access by IP to a Virtual/PHP Generated URL in .htaccess Without Apache Config Access

I've been trawling around, and theres many similar questions/answers, but none that fit, Or I'm searching for the wrong things

I'm using a PHP CMS, that routes the urls /admin/some-module

The /admin folder doesnt actually exist, as everything routes through an index.php bootloader.

I'm trying to effectively achieve

<Directory /admin>
    Order Deny,Allow
    Deny from all
    Allow from <some ip>

However it is on shared hosting which we cannot change the apache config to allow this.

How can you protect a url by IP from the root /public_html/.htaccess with the above setup?

I believe I'd do that in the index.php but in htaccess you could try this

RewriteCond %{REMOTE_ADDR} !^1\.2\.3\.4 [OR]
RewriteCond %{REMOTE_ADDR} !^1\.2\.3\.5
RewriteRule ^admin/ - [L,R=403]

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