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How to remove selected text from an input Text?

If there is highlighted text inside of a text input, how do I remove the selected text?

I set up a fiddle to show how far I got, but I can't figure out how to remove the given text.

 <input type='text' value='stackoverflow.com' id='text1' /> <br /> <button id="btnSelect">select text</button> <button id="btnRemove">remove selected text</button> 

selectionStart and selectionEnd are there to get selected text from input tag .. check the demo

 $("#btnSelect").click(function () { document.getElementById('txtbox').setSelectionRange(6, 12); }); $("#btnRemove").click(function () { var ele = document.getElementById('txtbox'); var text = ele.value; text = text.slice(0, ele.selectionStart) + text.slice(ele.selectionEnd); ele.value = text; }); 
 <script src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/2.1.1/jquery.min.js"></script> <input type='text' value='stackoverflow.com' id='txtbox' /> <br /> <button id="btnSelect">select text</button> <button id="btnRemove">remove selected text</button> 

 function removeText() { document.getElementById('text1').value = ""; } 
 <input type='text' value='stackoverflow.com' id='text1' /> <br /> <button id="btnSelect">select text</button> <button id="btnRemove" onclick="removeText()">remove selected text</button> 

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