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Google Conversion tracking Pentaho

I am into a different situation here, I have been working with google analytic in pentaho, to fetch aggregate values on the dashboard, but now the situation is different, company want to see if an order was converted, what were the keywords that the customer had used to come to our site to make that order/transaction conversion, is it possible to track this condition?

I had seen the orders/transaction id in the google analytic view though. And conversions in the analytic dashboard shows how many were converted, not individually.

Can someone guide me to the right path?

I have played with google analytic tool and found out the keywords can be found by selecting:

Conversions > Ecommerce > Sales Performance > NEW SEGMENT[ paid traffic ] > APPLY From Secondary Dimension > Advertising > Matched Search Query

Matched Search Query ( Gives exact search phrase used by customer )

Keyword ( Keywords group that it matched under a campaign )

Many options are available, you can test yourself. :)

But real thing was how to fetch this report using the metrics and dimensions via the API calls .

I used query explorer, tried different combinations at:


So in my case i needed transaction id and keywords ,the combinations should be :


  1. ga:transactions (Transactions)


  1. ga:transactionId
  2. ga:keyword
  3. ga:adGroup
  4. ga:adMatchType
  5. ga:adMatchedQuery
  6. ga:adDestinationUrl
  7. ga:sourceMedium

There can be many other options to select from the Metrics and Dimensions, correct combination selection is something to figure out, i used help from: https://developers.google.com/analytics/devguides/reporting/core/dimsmets#mode=web&cats=ecommerce

Hope this helps, if someone wants to share more knowledge, please do :)

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