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How can I make my submit button not look like a button?

In my form I have a submit button:

<button name ="sort" value="sort" type="submit">&#9660;</button>

The button looks like a "button". This is not what I want, I would simply like the button look like this:

So this means without any style, only the black arrow. Is this possible?

Yes, you can just use CSS to remove the background and border

 button { background: none; border: none; } 
 <button name ="sort" value="sort" type="submit">&#9660;</button> 

The only properties of the button which are visible are background and border . So you have to set these properties to nothing like the following code:

 button { background:none; border:0; } 
 <button name ="sort" value="sort" type="submit">&#9660;</button> 

Hint: If you want to define the rule only for this button you have to replace button with button[name="sort"] or set a class.

<button name ="sort" value="sort" type="submit" style="background-color:transparent;border:0">&#9660;</button>

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