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How to disable `zN<CR>` mappings in Vim

zN<CR> is described as follows:

z{height}<CR>      redraw, make window {height} lines high

This has been bugging me for a long time, as I usually use z= to jump to the previous wrongly spelled word, and then press 1 and Enter to select the top suggestion. (That is, a z=1<CR> sequence.)

This process is not robust, as I may miss the = . Then, the z=1<CR> sequence falls to z1<CR> , which gives me a one-line window. This turns to be very distracting.

Is there a way to disable z1<CR> specifically? ( unmap z1<CR> does not work, upon simple testing.) Or, to disable zN<CR> completely?

So far, I am not using zN -functions at all, and would like to avoid the mishaps it triggers.

Currently, I am compromising to map the "correct previous wrongly spelled word by its first suggested correction" to KK in normal mode. ( nnoremap KK z=1<CR><ESC> , with <ESC> in the end to jump out of a message box.)

Thank you!

All the best,


  • The first solution is, don't forget the = :-)
  • If you mostly only use z=1<cr> to jump, you can just disable z1<cr> by:

     map z1<cr> <nop> 

However if you pressed z2<cr> it will redraw the window anyway...

Hope it helps you a little.

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