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How can I fix my code so that <strike> does not invalidate my Javascript code?

I'm using the following code to create fractions:

<script type='text/javascript'>
$(document).ready(function () {
$('.fraction').each(function(key, value) {
    $this = $(this)
    var split = $this.html().split("/")
    if( split.length == 2 ){
       $this.html('<span class="top">'+split[0]+'</span><span class="bottom">'+split[1]+'</span>')

If I have the following code in my body, it successfully formats as a fraction:

<span class="fraction">4/1</span>

If, however, I include a tag, as illustrated below, the function no longer works

<span class="fraction"><strike>4</strike>/1</span>

How can I fix this? Thanks!

Use .text() to strip away the html tags and just get the text.

var split = $this.text().split("/")


If you want to keep the html markup in your result, an easy solution would be to use a different delimiter for your fraction, like a double slash // , a backslash \\ , or a pipe | . JSFiddle

Using this answer you could also use regex to verify that it only splits if the character isn't found inside <..> . JSFiddle

var split = $this.html().split(/\/(?=[^>]*(?:<|$))/)

If you want to do it correctly (while preserving your markup), it gets a bit complicated due to the fact that you need a slash that is in a text node that is a direct child of the .fraction element; and jQuery doesn't deal with text nodes well. So:

 $(function() { $('.fraction').each(function(_, e) { var offset = 0, html = '<span class="top">', found = false; $.each(e.childNodes, function(_, c) { if (c.nodeType == Node.TEXT_NODE) { if (m = c.textContent.match(/(.*)\\/(.*)/)) { found = true; html += m[1] + '</span>/<span class="bottom">' + m[2]; } else { html += c.textContent; } } else { html += c.outerHTML; }; }); if (found) { e.innerHTML = html + '</span>'; } }); }); 
 .top { color: red; } .bottom { color: blue; } 
 <script src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/2.1.1/jquery.min.js"></script> <span class="fraction"><strike>1</strike>/2</span> <span class="fraction">2/2</span> 

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