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Localhost refused to connect Wamp

I am using Wamp64 with text.php file in android_connect within www in wamp64 folder on a Windows 7 system (64-bit). However, on typing localhost/android_connect/text.php in both Chrome and Internet Explorer, it states that localhost refused to connect. Have tried as well and existing alternatives as mentioned in WAMP: Cannot Connect To Localhost , and changing port 80 to 8080 with no avail. Please help.

Take a look at the error.log and access.log files; Also, open the console, run the command:

netstat -nao

And check that port 80 is being used by another application.

I recently ran into the same issue in WAMP64 3.1.9 - my site's directory name inside of the www folder included an underscore as yours does. Renaming the site directory and removing the underscore did the trick for me.

尝试使用您设备的特定 IP 地址。

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