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Uploading HTML Files to Display on Openshift PHP 5.4 Website?

I can't get these html files to display AS my Openshift site. Only the default Openshift created index.php file shows up (which I have edited; see "Test Test Test" as h1). How do I get MY html files to appear as the HOME page, etc. when I click on my http:/php-....rhcloud.com/ domain name?

It seems that you would like to replace the default index.php , which comes with the PHP 5.4 cartridge, with your own static Index.html page. To do that, simply:

  1. delete the index.php from the repo
  2. rename the Index.html to index.html (so it now starts with a lowercase i )
  3. git add , git commit and git push both changes

...and your index.html will be rendered by the server instead as the index page when you visit your domain.

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