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vagrant halt not working on windows 10

When I try the vagrant halt command in my command prompt, it tells me how the 'ssh' executable is not found. So, I followed these steps to download putty and generate a key to enter ssh mode. However, when I try the halt command in my putty ssh mode, it says the program 'vagrant' is currently not installed. To run 'vagrant' please ask your administrator to install the package 'vagrant'.

I got the vagrant up working just fine, but I want to properly halt it before I shut my computer off.

通过在管理员模式下使用git bash(右键单击该程序,选择以管理员身份运行)来解决该问题,因为它已内置ssh来停止流浪汉。我必须导航到git bash内的vagrant-local文件夹并执行vagrant halt命令。

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