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Mocha Test Execution | No status for individual test cases

I have started writing test cases for my REST API's. Below is the code. I am not getting status of individual test cases (pass/fail , test case name etc). I understand there is something very trivial which I am missing

Code :

**var supertest = require("supertest");
var should = require("should");
// This agent refers to PORT where program is runninng.
var server = supertest.agent("http://localhost:1337");
// UNIT test begin
describe("SAMPLE unit test",function(){
  // #1 should return home page
  it("should return login details",function(done){
    // calling Login api
    .send({ loginid: "8787878787", password : "temp"})
  it("should return no active user",function(done){
    // calling home page api
    .send({ loginid: "8787878787", password : "temp1"})

On command prompt this is the output. It is not showing individual test case status (name- what is described in "it" block,how much time each test case has taken etc)

. 2 passing (7s)

Let me know how to display individual test case status.

Mocha has a few options for displaying tests as they run. I think, for your case, you might want to go with List . There are more options here .

So, in the terminal, you would invoke your tests with - mocha -R list tests/test.js

You can also use a global config for mocha to have you from writing the reporter type each time and definitely if you have more than one test file.

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