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Getting Google Refresh Token with Laravel Socialite

Using Laravel Socailite to connect to the Google API and I am getting back a connection fine, however this access doesn't return a refresh token so my connection is timing out.

$scopes = [
$parameters = ['access_type' => 'offline'];
return Socialite::driver('google')->scopes($scopes)->with($parameters)->redirect();

How do I get the refresh token back?

When you redirect your users to Google, set access_type to offline with the with() method when redirecting, like this:

return Socialite::driver('google')
    ->scopes() // For any extra scopes you need, see https://developers.google.com/identity/protocols/googlescopes for a full list; alternatively use constants shipped with Google's PHP Client Library
    ->with(["access_type" => "offline", "prompt" => "consent select_account"])

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