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How to register views automatically in Xamarin.Forms with Prism

In Xamarin.Forms with Prism and Unity, is there a way to register all the views that are subject to navigation without specifying them explicitly?

The sample project provided by Prism, has a function RegisterTypes in the App.xaml.cs that has the following line :


I expect this to be much larger at some point of developping the application.

I am no expert of Unity, but I was trying some ways with the DependencyService, or the IUnityContainer, without any success.

Container.Registrations.Where(cm => cm.RegisteredType == typeof (IView));

So how would I go about registering all the views (or at least a subset of the views, that for example, implements a given interface) for navigation?

With a tiny bit of reflections you could register all types of the core assembly that inherit from Page .

public class Bootstrapper : UnityBootstrapper
    protected override void OnInitialized()

    protected override void RegisterTypes()

    private void RegisterAllPages()
        var pageBaseTypeInfo = typeof(Page).GetTypeInfo();
        var types = GetType().GetTypeInfo().Assembly.DefinedTypes;
        var pageTypeInfos = types
                        .Where(x => x.IsClass && pageBaseTypeInfo.IsAssignableFrom(x));

        foreach (var page in pageTypeInfos)
            // the next two lines do what RegisterTypeForNavigation does
            Container.RegisterType(typeof(object), page.AsType(), page.Name);
            PageNavigationRegistry.Register(page.Name, page.AsType());

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