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Ionic Couchbase Lite Karma Jasmine Unit Testing

After some struggle, I successfully have jasmine tests running using karma, but I can't seem to find an answer to this question:

How can I run my jasmine tests on an actual device to test functions related couchbase lite database?

I am using this: https://github.com/couchbaselabs/ng-couchbase-lite

This is my test:

     describe('SetupService tests', function() {

        it('SetupService should instantiate', function() { 

        it('it should instantiate database', function() { 
            var database = null; 

So I need to run the tests on an actual device so the db can successfully be created. I am new to unit testing and currently only using karam cli.

The setup config showing that it requires couchbase lite and cordova:

    var setupConfig = function() {
         console.log("set up config");
         var deferred = $q.defer();

         if(!window.cblite) { 
             deferred.reject('Couchbase Lite not installed');  
         else {
             cblite.getURL(function(err, url) {
                 console.log("cblite get url");
                 if(err) {
                     deferred.reject("There was an error getting the database URL");  
                     database = new $couchbase(url, appDbName);  
                     database.createDatabase().then(function(result) {
                         var views = setupViews();
                         database.createDesignDocument("_design/todo", views);
                     }, function(error) {
                         // we will not reject this err, as it is caused when a db already exists
                         // so it will happen everytime

         return deferred.promise;
  1. Create a folder called tests in www/


  2. Download latest standalone jasmine zip from Here

    a. Put the lib folder in www/tests

    b. Copy SpecRunner.html to www/


  1. Make your SpecRunner.html look exactly like your index.html


  1. Then add jasmine css and scripts to SpecRunner.html just before </head>

     <link rel="shortcut icon" type="image/png" href="tests/lib/jasmine-xxx/jasmine_favicon.png"> <link rel="stylesheet" href="tests/lib/jasmine-xxx/jasmine.css"> <style> .jasmine_html-reporter{ width: 100%; margin: 200px 0px; } </style> 
  2. At the end of the body tag, add jasmine lib scripts:

     <script src="tests/lib/jasmine-xxx/jasmine.js"></script> <script src="tests/lib/jasmine-xxx/jasmine-html.js"></script> <script src="tests/lib/jasmine-xxx/boot.js"></script> 


  1. Open boot.js in www/tests/lib/jasmine-xxx/boot.js

    Look for the window.load function and replace with this:

      window.onload = function() { if (currentWindowOnload) { currentWindowOnload(); } jasmine.initialize = htmlReporter.initialize; jasmine.execute = env.execute; }; 


  1. In the ctrl of you starting page, add this when everything has loaded:

      if(window.jasmine){ console.log("---------------------------------------------------------"); console.log("STARTING JASMINE..."); jasmine.initialize(); jasmine.execute(); console.log("---------------------------------------------------------"); console.log("JASMINE INITIALED"); console.log("---------------------------------------------------------"); } 

    I personally bootstrap angular manually, so I start jasmine after angular is bootstrapped and my main Ctrl is loaded:

     window.ionic.Platform.ready(function() { console.log("device ready"); angular.element(document).ready(function() { angular.bootstrap(document, ['myApp']); }); }); 

    Then in my Ctrl after I've loaded a document from Couchbase, I start jasmine.


  1. Finally to Run Tests:

    rename index.html to index_backup.html rename SpecRunner.html to index.html

    and run ionic run android --device


  1. Automate Step 8 using Makefile:

     set-test: @if [ -f "www/SpecRunner.html" ]; \\ then \\ mv www/index.html www/index_backup.html; \\ mv www/SpecRunner.html www/index.html; \\ else \\ echo "test already set"; \\ fi unset-test: @if [ -f "www/SpecRunner.html" ]; \\ then \\ echo "test already unset"; \\ else \\ mv www/index.html www/SpecRunner.html; \\ mv www/index_backup.html www/index.html; \\ fi test: make set-test ionic run android --device 
  2. Sample Test

     describe('AccountsCtrl', function() { var $scope; var app; var $ionicSideMenu; var helper; var params = { name : 'Test Person', id: '112654' }; beforeAll(function(done){ app = AppService; helper = getService("ActivitiesHelper"); $state.go('app.activities',params); // wait for the state to change setTimeout(function(){ $scope = getScope("activities"); done(); },1000) }); it('expects $scope.app to be defined', function() { expect($scope.app).toBeDefined(); }); }); 

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