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how to get text to disappear after few seconds

Hi guys I am building my game right now and trying to get some text to disappear after a few seconds. I am using Phaser and I am not to sure how to do this.

Currently I have:

Asteroid.time.events.remove(Phaser.Timer.SECOND - 3, this.startInstructions3, this);

My text appears on the page fine:

if (!this.rockmodel.countLiving()) {
    Asteroid.time.events.add(Phaser.Timer.SECOND * 3, this.levelIncrease, this);
    var startInstructions3 = 'NEXT LEVEL! ';
    this.gametext3 = Asteroid.add.text(Asteroid.world.centerX, Asteroid.world.centerY, startInstructions3, lifefont3.thefont3);
    this.gametext3.align = 'center';
    this.gametext3.anchor.set(0.5, 0.5);

Then when I go back to my levelIncrease function i have :

if (this.rockcount < rocksincoming.max) {
        this.rockcount += rocksincoming.astup;  
Asteroid.time.events.remove(Phaser.Timer.SECOND * 3, this.startInstructions3, this);
endofgame: function () {

My question is, is it like -3 or is there a set thing you can do in Phaser like duration or something like that? I can't seem to find anything about it.


There's actually an official example that covers this scenario for you.

Your Asteroid.time.events.remove() would actually remove an event, not add a removal event. For example, if you had an event that looped and wanted to remove that event, you would use time.events.remove .

So you want to add an event that triggers after three seconds, so something like the following, instead of your Asteroid.time.events.remove line:

Asteroid.time.events.add(Phaser.Timer.SECOND - 3, this.nameOfFunctionToHideText, this);

Where nameOfFunctionToHideText (or whatever new function you create) would be the one that would remove the text.

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