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how to properly make a counter angularjs

im trying to make a counter in angularjs, then I'll do something else with this counter, but I need the counter to work first with a var, the problem with this is that the var is not being updated :S, this will be a more complex component so I need it to be a var that can be shown as {{Var}}.

this is how I call the directive on the html

<div test-directive var="5">-</div>

this is the js directive, I tried with link and controller

    template: '<div> -> {{myLocalVar}} <- </div>',
      specialVar: '=var'
    link: function($scope,element,attributes){
      $scope.myLocalVar = $scope.specialVar;
      //$scope.myLocalVar +=1 ;
      function doThis(){
        $scope.myLocalVar +=1 ;
        if($scope.myLocalVar < 10){
          setTimeout(function(){doThis();}, 1000);

Thanks by the help

Try to wrap changes in $apply method callback:

        $scope.myLocalVar +=1;

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