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jQuery $.extend won't work

I am trying to create a jQuery plugin but I've run into numerous issues. Let me show you my code.

jQuery Plugin:

//This plugin was created by Ben Allen. Website: http://thebenallen.net/
//This plugin uses the OpenDyslexic font. Get it at: http://opendyslexic.org/
(function($) {

$.fn.dyslexicSupport = function( options ) {

    var settings = $.extend({
        //Defualt settings in case you break it.
        //backgroundColor       : 'white',
        //backgroundColorActive : '#BDBDBD',
        //color                 : 'black',
        //colorActive           : '#00143E',
        //alert                 : false,
        //fontStyle             : 'normal'

        backgroundColor       : 'white',
        backgroundColorActive : '#BDBDBD',
        color                 : 'black',
        colorActive           : '#00143E',
        alert                 : false,
        fontStyle             : 'normal'
    }, options);

    return this.each(function() {

        $("head").prepend("<style type=\"text/css\">" + 
                            "@font-face {\n" +
                                "\tfont-family: \"opendyslexic\";\n" + 
                                "\tsrc: url('http://dyslexicfonts.com/fonts/OpenDyslexic-Regular.otf');\n" + 
                                "\tfont-weight: normal;\n" +
                                "\tfont-style: normal;\n" +
                            "}\n" + 

        $("head").prepend("<style type=\"text/css\">" + 
                            "@font-face {\n" +
                                "\tfont-family: \"opendyslexic\";\n" + 
                                "\tsrc: url('http://dyslexicfonts.com/fonts/OpenDyslexic-Italic.ttf');\n" + 
                                "\tfont-weight: normal;\n" +
                                "\tfont-style: italic;\n" +
                            "}\n" + 

        $("head").prepend("<style type=\"text/css\">" + 
                            "@font-face {\n" +
                                "\tfont-family: \"opendyslexic\";\n" + 
                                "\tsrc: url('http://dyslexicfonts.com/fonts/OpenDyslexic-Bold.ttf');\n" + 
                                "\tfont-weight: normal;\n" +
                                "\tfont-style: bold;\n" +
                            "}\n" + 

        $(this).css('font-family', 'opendyslexic')

        //if(settings.fontStyle) {

            $(this).css('font-style', settings.fontStyle);


        if(settings.color) {

            $(this).css('color', color);


        if(settings.backgroundColor) {

            $(this).css('background-color', settings.backgroundColor);


        $(this).mouseenter(function() {

            if(settings.backgroundColorActive) {

                $(this).css('background-color', settings.backgroundColorActive);



        $(this).mouseleave(function() {

            if(settings.backgroundColor) {

                $(this).css('background-color', settings.backgroundColor);


        $(this).mouseenter(function() {

            if(settings.colorActive) {

                $(this).css('color', settings.colorActive);



        $(this).mouseleave(function() {

            if(settings.color) {

                $(this).css('color', settings.color);

            if(settings.alert == true) {

                $('document').ready(function() {

                    alert('This website is Dyslexia friendly.');



            else {

                return true;


        $('#alertClose').click(function() {





How I call it in the HTML:

    <script src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.12.2/jquery.min.js"></script>
    <script src="jquery.dyslexicSupport.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
    <script type="text/javascript">
        $('document').ready(function() {

                backgroundColor       : 'white',
                backgroundColorActive : 'black',
                color                 : 'red',
                colorActive           : 'blue',
                alert                 : true,
                fontStyle             : 'italic'


Ok, so let me explain what issues I'm having. The parameters when I call it won't override the default ones set in the .js file. Another issue is most options won't work. The only one that does is the settings.fontStyle option. I probably have so much more errors that I can't think of. But if anybody knows whats going on that would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!

... most options won't work. The only one that does is the settings.fontStyle option. ...

That's because your default options and the ones you are sending to your plugin are the same except the fontStyle :

// Plugin settings
    backgroundColor       : 'white',
    backgroundColorActive : '#BDBDBD',
    color                 : 'black',
    colorActive           : '#00143E',
    alert                 : false,
    fontStyle             : 'italic'

// Code settings
    backgroundColor       : 'white',
    backgroundColorActive : '#BDBDBD',
    color                 : 'black',
    colorActive           : '#00143E',
    alert                 : true,            // Only these two
    fontStyle             : 'normal'         // are different!


$.extend() will amend the first object that is passed to it as an argument. So, you should be calling it like so:

var settings = {
    backgroundColor       : 'white',
    backgroundColorActive : '#BDBDBD',
    color                 : 'black',
    colorActive           : '#00143E',
    alert                 : false,
    fontStyle             : 'normal'
$.extend(settings, options);

There are other issues with your code. For example: you are adding several styles into head for each element in the selector. Probably, you don't want to do that.

If you look at the console you will spot the error, which is at

if(settings.color) {
    $(this).css('color', color);

It should be

if(settings.color) {
    $(this).css('color', settings.color);

otherwise the error causes all the following code to fail

See the fixed demo

 //This plugin was created by Ben Allen. Website: http://thebenallen.net/ //This plugin uses the OpenDyslexic font. Get it at: http://opendyslexic.org/ (function($) { $("head").prepend("<style type=\\"text/css\\">" + "@font-face {\\n" + "\\tfont-family: \\"opendyslexic\\";\\n" + "\\tsrc: url('http://dyslexicfonts.com/fonts/OpenDyslexic-Regular.otf');\\n" + "\\tfont-weight: normal;\\n" + "\\tfont-style: normal;\\n" + "}\\n" + "</style>"); $("head").prepend("<style type=\\"text/css\\">" + "@font-face {\\n" + "\\tfont-family: \\"opendyslexic\\";\\n" + "\\tsrc: url('http://dyslexicfonts.com/fonts/OpenDyslexic-Italic.ttf');\\n" + "\\tfont-weight: normal;\\n" + "\\tfont-style: italic;\\n" + "}\\n" + "</style>"); $("head").prepend("<style type=\\"text/css\\">" + "@font-face {\\n" + "\\tfont-family: \\"opendyslexic\\";\\n" + "\\tsrc: url('http://dyslexicfonts.com/fonts/OpenDyslexic-Bold.ttf');\\n" + "\\tfont-weight: normal;\\n" + "\\tfont-style: bold;\\n" + "}\\n" + "</style>"); $.fn.dyslexicSupport = function(options) { var settings = $.extend({ //Defualt settings in case you break it. //backgroundColor : 'white', //backgroundColorActive : '#BDBDBD', //color : 'black', //colorActive : '#00143E', //alert : false, //fontStyle : 'normal' backgroundColor: 'white', backgroundColorActive: '#BDBDBD', color: 'black', colorActive: '#00143E', alert: false, fontStyle: 'normal' }, options); return this.each(function() { $(this).css('font-family', 'opendyslexic') //if(settings.fontStyle) { $(this).css('font-style', settings.fontStyle); //} if (settings.color) { $(this).css('color', settings.color); } if (settings.backgroundColor) { $(this).css('background-color', settings.backgroundColor); } $(this).mouseenter(function() { if (settings.backgroundColorActive) { $(this).css('background-color', settings.backgroundColorActive); } }); $(this).mouseleave(function() { if (settings.backgroundColor) { $(this).css('background-color', settings.backgroundColor); } }); $(this).mouseenter(function() { if (settings.colorActive) { $(this).css('color', settings.colorActive); } }); $(this).mouseleave(function() { if (settings.color) { $(this).css('color', settings.color); } }); if (settings.alert == true) { $(document).ready(function() { alert('This website is Dyslexia friendly.'); }); } else { return true; } $('#alertClose').click(function() { $('#alertDiv').hide() }); }); } }(jQuery)); $(document).ready(function() { $('body').dyslexicSupport({ backgroundColor: 'white', backgroundColorActive: 'black', color: 'red', colorActive: 'blue', alert: true, fontStyle: 'italic' }); }); 
 <script src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.12.2/jquery.min.js"></script> How I call it in the HTML: 

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