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How to add extra buttons to jQuery dialog title bar

How to add extra button to jQuery dialog title bar

I want to add extra buttons to jQuery Dialog Title Bar. I want to add minimum 5 Buttons to jQuery Dialog Title Bar. Maximum "N".

Buttons like as listed below:

  1. Help Button
  2. Maximize Button
  3. Minimize Button
  4. About Button
 $( ".dialog" ).dialog({
       autoOpen: false,
       buttons: [
                text: "Minimize",
                icon: "ui-icon-minimize",
                click: function( e ) {
                text: "Maximize",
                icon: "ui-icon-maximize",
                click: function( e ) {

to reach better similarity with the dialog close button. I see pumpkinzzz's answer and other code around including CSS/JS code on JQuery UI and I came to this.

In your dialog definition add a dialog class property, for example:

    autoOpen: false,
    height: 400,
    width: 800,
    modal: true,
    dialogClass: 'yourDialogClass', // any name works

In your CSS file/section add this:

.ui-dialog .ui-dialog-titlebar-help{
  right:2em; // This puts the help button along the close one, so change it accordingly
  margin:-10px 0 0 0;

In your javascript file or section add this (remember to use the same class name as in the dialogClass property):

$(".yourDialogClass").children(".ui-dialog-titlebar").append("<button id='btnHelp' class='ui-button ui-widget ui-state-default ui-corner-all ui-button-icon-only ui-dialog-titlebar-help' type='button' role='button' title='Help'><span class='ui-button-icon-primary ui-icon ui-icon-help'></span><span class='ui-button-text'>Help</span></button>");

    .hover(function () {
    }, function () {
    .click(function (e) {
      // your click code here
      return false; // to avoid submit if any form

With all this you can have a nicer help button. Hoping this meet your expectations and save time to others.

just use the jquery-ui api

// create the dialog
        "title": "Google",
// find the titlebar
    var dlgtb = $("div#google").dialog("instance").uiDialogTitlebar; 
// add the button to titlebar    
    dlgtb.append("<button id='btnExternal'>M</button>"); 
// make it an button    
        icon: "ui-icon-extlink",
        showLabel: false,
// add click handler
    $("#btnExternal").click(function () {
        window.open("https://www.google.com", "google");

To add more buttons, just add'em in the buttons array

$( ".dialog" ).dialog({
       autoOpen: false,
       buttons: [
                text: "Help",
                icon: "ui-icon-help",
                click: function( e ) {
                text: "Minimize",
                icon: "ui-icon-minimize",
                click: function( e ) {
                text: "Maximize",
                icon: "ui-icon-maximize",
                click: function( e ) {
                text: "About",
                icon: "ui-icon-about",
                click: function( e ) {

see an example HERE

--- EDIT ---

now i see what are you trying to do.. i think there is no clean way to do that, so i suggest this:

$( ".dialog" ).dialog({
       autoOpen: true,
       buttons: [
                text: "Minimize",
                icon: "ui-icon-minimize",
                click: function( e ) {
                text: "Maximize",
                icon: "ui-icon-maximize",
                click: function( e ) {
        create: function( event, ui ) {


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