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How I can decrease and make better my ugly JavaScript code?

I tried to use $(this).next() to give control to closest siblings. But in this scope next sibling hasn't seen. If I use .each() function, the action apply to all elements in array, but they executed at the same time. I want see each animation are played, after another animation has done. I thinking to use .on() and .trigger() functions but I don't have ideas how I can implement them.

    onElementComplete: function(){
            onElementComplete: function(){
                    onElementComplete: function(){

You could define a single function to call for each element; use .queue() , .promise() to perform next animation when previous animation is complete

var elems = ["h1.main-logo-text", "#logoText1", "#logoText2", "#logoText3"];

function fx() {
  return this.show().letterfx({

$({}).queue("_fx", $.map(elems, function(el) {
  return function(next) {
.then(function() {

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