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ajax pass parameters to python script

I have this python CGI script that I got up and running using following command:

python3 -m http.server --cgi 8000

important part of the python script is this:

parameter = cgi.FieldStorage()
artiest = parameter.getvalue("artiest")
rijen_aantal = parameter.getvalue("rijen")
kolommen_aantal = parameter.getvalue("kolommen")

Now what I would like to do is in my html/javascript I would like to pass the values I am getting from a form to my cgi script.

In html i have written the following form using bootstrap:

<form class="form-inline" role="form" method="POST" action="cgi-bin/schuifpuzzel.py">
<div class="form-group">
    <label for="artiest">Artiest:</label>
    <input type="text" class="form-control margin-right" id="artiest">
<div class="form-group">
    <label for="rij">Rijen:</label>
    <input type="number" class="form-control margin-right" id="rij">
<div class="form-group">
    <label for="kolom">Kolommen:</label>
    <input type="number" class="form-control margin-right" id="kolom">
<button type="submit" class="btn btn-default">Submit</button>

And in javascript I have written following code that I am calling in the html header.

$(function () {

var artiest = document.getElementById("myForm").elements[0].value;
var rijen = document.getElementById("myForm").elements[1].value;
var kolommen = document.getElementById("myForm").elements[2].value;
    url: 'cgi-bin/schuifpuzzel.py',
    type: 'post',
    datatype: "json",
    data: JSON.stringify({'artiest': artiest, "rijen": rijen, "kolommen": kolommen}),
    success: function(response) {


but this is for some reason not working. All it does is download the .py.

What am I doing wrong here?


new problem. I think the posting problem is kind of solved.

But then I was getting following error:

No 'Access-Control-Allow-Origin' header is present on the requested resource

I have solved that by using the solution posted by yoshyosh on this post

But now I am getting this error for some reason: 在此输入图像描述

I am not sure why because the path to my script is correct?


Use .serialize() on your form to send the data as formdata, not as JSON.

    data: $('.form-inline').serialize(),

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