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WPF C# - Get inline formated bold Text from TextBlock

I'm adding some TextBlock elements to Border elements in a StackPanel . I'm adding and formating the text of the TextBlock by adding Inlines .

When clicked, I want to get the formated text of the TextBlock .Here is my code.

public void addText()
    TextBlock myText = new TextBlock();
    myText.Inlines.Add(new Bold(new Run("Hello ")));

    Border myBorder = new Border();
    myBorder.Child = myText;
    myBorder.MouseDown += new MouseButtonEventHandler(Border_Clicked);


private void Border_Clicked(object sender, MouseButtonEventArgs e)
    //Border senderBox = (Border)sender;
    //TextBlock senderText = (TextBlock)senderBox.Child;
    //Bold inline = (Bold) senderText.Inlines.ElementAt(0);
    // How to Output "Hello "?

Border_Clicked should output "Hello ". As you can see I'm able to get to the bolded Text but how can I ouput it?

@Helen, There is a way to get the Text from the TextPointer using TextRange. Try this code

void myBorder_MouseDown(object sender, MouseButtonEventArgs e)
    var senderBox = (Border)sender;
    var senderText = (TextBlock)senderBox.Child;
    var inline = (Bold)senderText.Inlines.ElementAt(0);

    var textRange = new TextRange(inline.ContentStart, inline.ContentEnd);

Is the problem to get text out of Bold element?

private void Border_Clicked(object sender, MouseButtonEventArgs e)
    var border = (Border)sender;
    var textBlock = (TextBlock)border.Child;
    var bold = (Bold)textBlock.Inlines.ElementAt(0);

    // How to Output "Hello "?

    // try
    var output = ((Run)bold).Text;
    // or rather (because Bold is a wrapper)
    var output = ((Run)bold.Inlines[0]).Text;

If you can add inline like this

myText.Inlines.Add(new Run("Bold text") { FontWeight = FontWeight.Bold });

then it's

var run = (Run)textBlock.Inlines[0];
var output = run.Text;

It is not possible to control Font characteristics in a MessageBox. I think you should consider to create a "custom MessageBox". Something like this:

<Window x:Class="WpfApplication1.CustomMessageBox"
        SizeToContent="WidthAndHeight" MaxWidth="400">

    <Grid x:Name="GridContent" Margin="10">


So in its constructor you could send your Bold:

private Bold _text;
public CustomMessageBox(Bold formattedText)
   _text = formattedText;
   GridContent.Child = _text;


private void Border_Clicked(object sender, MouseButtonEventArgs e)
    Border senderBox = (Border)sender;
    TextBlock senderText = (TextBlock)senderBox.Child;
    Bold inline = (Bold) senderText.Inlines.ElementAt(0);
    var customMsgBox = new CustomMessageBox(inline);

Now, if you are not sure it will be always a Bold object, I suggest you to save your formatted text in XML and load it after. Take a look at this: showing formatted text

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