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Google places api for javascript autocomplete restrict to suggestions

I am using this api:


I need to be able to restrict my text field to only the results by the api, and not allow free text selection.

Here is my code:

var ac = new google.maps.places.Autocomplete($('#txt').get(0));
ac.place_changed = function () {
    // TODO: add code to verify address if required

Is there some setting in the Autocomplete to do this...?

I managed to find a solution by applying a few things.

First of all, the form tag needs onsubmit with return :

<form action="..." method="get" onsubmit="return formSubmitted(this);">

2nd, the autocomplete should set a variable (say ac_var ) with acquired place data

ac.place_changed = function () {
    var pl = ac.getPlace();
    var addr = pl.address_components;
    ac_var = addr[0].long_name;

3rd, the function in javascript:

function formSubmitted(frm) {
    if ( frm.txt.value == '' || ac_var == '' )
        return false;

    return true;

Some checks on the addr[0].long_name to check that it does exist or not should also be good.

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