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Cross platform Python code


Further to the other below info and thanks to some helpful input the issue is caused by using strftime %s to generate a Unix Timestamp (which is what the system being queried requires). Strftime %s is not compatible with the Windows platform therefore I need to use an alternative method to generate the Unix Timestamp. Jez has suggested time.time() which I have experimented with but I'm clearly not doing it right somewhere along the way. I need to change this section of code from using strftime to time():

    if (args.startdate):
       from_time=str(int(args.startdate.strftime('%s')) * 1000)
    if (args.enddate):
       to_time=str(int(args.enddate.strftime('%s')) * 1000)

Any help or a steer greatly appreciated. :)


I've been given a Python script which appears to run ok when deployed on an Apple laptop but gives an error message when I run it on a Windows machine. I need to talk a 3rd party through executing the file remotely and he only has a windows machine so I need to try and figure out why it isn't working. I'm running 2.7 for reference. This section appears to be where the error is being caused:

if __name__ == "__main__":
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
parser.add_argument('-s', "--startdate", help="The start date (included)- format YYYY-MM-DD -- if not specified then earliest available data", type=valid_date)
parser.add_argument('-e', "--enddate", help="The end date (excluded) - format YYYY-MM-DD  -- if not specified then 'now'", type=valid_date)
parser.add_argument('-u', "--user", help="User name to use", default='admin')
parser.add_argument('-p', "--password", help="Password for user", default='redwood')
parser.add_argument('-a', "--attribute", help="Attribute", choices=['temperature', 'motion', 'input-power', 'output-power'], default='motion')
parser.add_argument('host', help='Hostname/IP address of engine to connect to', default='')
args = parser.parse_args()
    user = args.user    
    passwd = args.password
    if (args.startdate):
       from_time=str(int(args.startdate.strftime('%s')) * 1000)
    if (args.enddate):
       to_time=str(int(args.enddate.strftime('%s')) * 1000)

    unit='seconds since 1.1.1970'
    if (args.attribute == 'temperature'):
       scale = 100
       unit = "Degrees Celsius"
    elif (args.attribute == 'output-power'):
       scale = 100
       unit = "Watts"
    elif (args.attribute == 'input-power'):
       scale = 1000
       unit = "Watts"
    print "Epoch Time, Local Time (this machine), Attribute, Value (%s) " % unit

This is the command I'm using to execute:

C:\Python27>python stats_query.py -s 2016-03-18 -e 2016-03-19 -u admin -p admin -a motion

And this is the error message I get:

Traceback (most recent call last):
File "stats_query.py", line 132, in <module>
from_time=str(int(args.startdate.strftime('%s')) * 1000)
ValueError: Invalid format string

If anyone has any thoughts I'd greatly appreciate any feedback. Apologies if I'm asking a stupid question - I'm really not very familiar with Python.

如果要在几秒钟内打印出来 ,请使用%S (大写S )。

(Should maybe be a comment)

As others have mentioned already, not all directives are available on all platforms.

Python's documentation lists all directives which are cross-platform: https://docs.python.org/2/library/datetime.html#strftime-strptime-behavior

Not sure what valid_time is in your function, but if you use something like:

def valid_time(t):
    format = "%Y-%m-%d"
    datetime.datetime.strptime(t, format)

It gets past the issue you are describing... after that, I see other issues, since motion_path is not defined.

UPDATE : The following code works running on Windows7 Professional using python 2.7 (file saved as tryme.py )

import argparse
import datetime

def motion_path():
  print "Got here.. no issues"

def query_stats(host):
  print "We'll query the host: %s" % host

def valid_time(t):
  format = "%Y-%m-%d"
  return datetime.datetime.strptime(t, format)

if __name__ == "__main__":
  parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
  parser.add_argument('-s', "--startdate", help="The start date (included)- format YYYY-MM-DD -- if not specified then earliest available data", type=valid_time)
  parser.add_argument('-e', "--enddate", help="The end date (excluded) - format YYYY-MM-DD  -- if not specified then 'now'", type=valid_time)
  parser.add_argument('-u', "--user", help="User name to use", default='admin')
  parser.add_argument('-p', "--password", help="Password for user", default='redwood')
  parser.add_argument('-a', "--attribute", help="Attribute", choices=['temperature', 'motion', 'input-power', 'output-power'], default='motion')
  parser.add_argument('host', help='Hostname/IP address of engine to connect to', default='')
  args = parser.parse_args()
  user = args.user  
  epoch = datetime.datetime.utcfromtimestamp(0)
  passwd = args.password
  if (args.startdate):
  if (args.enddate):

  print 'From: %s\nTo: %s\n' %(from_time, to_time)

  unit='seconds since 1.1.1970'
  if (args.attribute == 'temperature'):
     scale = 100
     unit = "Degrees Celsius"
  elif (args.attribute == 'output-power'):
     scale = 100
     unit = "Watts"
  elif (args.attribute == 'input-power'):
     scale = 1000
     unit = "Watts"
  print "Epoch Time, Local Time (this machine), Attribute, Value (%s) " % unit

The command used to run it:

C:\Python27>python tryme.py -s 2016-03-18 -e 2016-03-19 -u admin -p admin -a motion

The results:

Epoch Time, Local Time (this machine), Attribute, Value (seconds since 1.1.1970)
We'll query the host:

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