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TYPO3 7.6.x Extbase Validation

I want to validate my parameter with my own validator, but it's not called, but why?

 * action create
 * @param \Company\MyExt\Domain\Model\ProtokollKalender $newProtokollKalender
 * @validate $newProtokollKalender \Company\MyExt\Validation\Validators\KalenderValidator
 * @return void
public function createAction(\Company\MyExt\Domain\Model\ProtokollKalender $newProtokollKalender)

The annotation in PHPdoc to trigger the validator seems to be correect ( see documentation ).

 * @param Model $property
 * @validate $property \Vendor\Extension\Validation\Validator\CustomValidator
public function someAction(Model $property) {}

Besides that, there is a shorter way to reference to validators in the sub-namespace ~\\Validation\\Validator .

 * @param Model $property
 * @validate $property Vendor.Extension:Custom
public function someAction(Model $property) {}

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