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Testing a Django Generic View

I'm just starting out with Django, and I really want to get in the habbit of testing all that I should. Most of my classes right now are class based generic views, such as list view for example. Here is one such:

class CellView(ListView):
    Class that determines list view for all Cells

    Inherits from Django GenericView ListView Class

        model: Overrided attribute that indicates that
             cell is the model to be displayed
        template_name: Overrided attribute that indicates
            which html template to use  
        queryset: Overrided attribute that indicates a python
            queryset of all cell objects to be displated
        context_object_name: Overrided attribute that indicates
            string to name the context object in the template

   model = Cell
   template_name = "CellView.html"
   query_set = Cell.objects.all()
   context_object_name = "Cells"

I don't have any custom methods, and all I do here is define attributes. Should I be testing this code here? Or does this all really count as something Django handles and I should trust that it will work? If I should be testing it, what specifically should I be testing?

I'd say this is still worth testing, but probably at the level of a functional test. That is, in your test create some data then use the test client to request the relevant page and assert that it contains the text you were expecting.

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