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PyCharm - can't use remote interpreter

Strange thing. I just can't use remote interpreters. I'm 100% sure I saw it before. WTF?

I have configured ssh deployment connection and vagrant box.

There is nothing interesting under more button.

How to add remote interpreter?

edit: screenshot from settings → project → project interpreter

edit2: problem reported on PyCharm community support

edit3: I use PyCharm pro

edit4: Just installed today's new version, 2016.1.3. Nothing has changed.


PyCharm 2016.1.2
Build #PY-145.844, built on April 8, 2016
JRE: 1.8.0_76-release-b32 amd64
JVM: OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM by JetBrains s.r.o


Check that the Python Remote Interpreter plugin is activated.

Go to Settings -> Plugins. Check that Python Remote Interpreter is checked off.


That's because you're using the community edition of PyCharm. I suppose that's what they refer to as "Remote development capabilities": https://www.jetbrains.com/pycharm/features/

Try to install the trial of the professional edition to verify this. You should be able to see an Add Remote option that allows you to specify the host vagrant instance dir and python interpreter path inside the virtual:

pycharm 流浪者开发者

ok, problem solved.

  1. export settings (I already had my old settings)
  2. remove settings dir ( ~/.PyCharm2016.1 )
  3. restart pycharm without importing settings
  4. import settings
  5. restart PyCharm
  6. :tada: it works!

I had the same issue, the problem is with the plugin, but not the one that AYTWebSolutions suggested.

Enable FTP(S)/SFTP Connectivity (ex. Remote Hosts Access) . This solves the problem.

CAUTION: First, I did what voy suggested and I lost my license. His solution just resets the plugins to the defaults but you can enable the needed plugin yourself and it works without having the risk of losing your license data.

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