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Composer autoload class not found

I created a vendor library with this configuration:

"autoload": {
    "psr-4": { "Company\\PhpUtils\\": "src/" }

Directory structure:


Json Class:


namespace Company\PhpUtils\JSON;

Now I include it as a dependency:

"company/php-utils": "1.0.0"

and use it in a symfony test:


namespace Tests\AppBundle\Controller;

use Company\PhpUtils\JSON\Json;

Run tests:

./vendor/phpunit/phpunit/phpunit ./tests
PHPUnit 4.8.22 by Sebastian Bergmann and contributors.

PHP Fatal error:  Class 'Company\PhpUtils\JSON\Json' not found in...

The class Json is static... well... follows singleton pattern.

So...Easy question. What am I doing wrong?

In your phpunit command there's no bootstrap, change from:

./vendor/phpunit/phpunit/phpunit ./tests


./vendor/phpunit/phpunit/phpunit ./tests --bootstrap ./vendor/autoload.php

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