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How to install Memcached on windows 10 and Xampp

I have tried to install Memcached on Xampp on a windows 10 machine but failed multiple times.

I have downloaded the relevant memcached.exe for my 64bit amd machine. I've also created the memcached service according to this: How to Use memcached on different port

I'm just not able to start memcached.

All help appreciated.

go to http://pecl.php.net/package/memcache/3.0.8/windows

and 5.6 Thread Safe (TS) x86

download php_memcache.dll from above mentioned link & in php.ini use 11211 as default port . restart server

I have followed steps from here for starting and working with memcached.

For 'dll' file go to 'x86' folder and search for 'ts' as per your PHP version. You can download dll from here . Make sure to choose blue flag dll icon for downloading purpose

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