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Lokijs autoloadcallbake not woking

i am try to use my exiting DB in Lokijs but my autoloadcallback dose not fire using console.log('from add collection don') to know when it fires but it never dose and when i try to add data to db it fails it only work when i set my collection variable locally

  var user = null db = new loki("myuser.json",{adapter: adapter}, { autosave: true, autosaveInterval: 5000, autoload: true, autoloadCallback: function(){ db_ready = true; console.log('from add collection don') if(db.getCollection("myaccount") == null ){ myusers = db.addCollection("myaccount"); } } }); 

 function py_userlogin(username,password,islogin){ myusers.insert({ username:username, password:password, islogin:islogin },function(err,don){ console.log( JSON.stringify(err) + JSON.stringify(don)) }); console.log(myusers.data); db.saveDatabase(); } 

You are setting options in a third variable that is not present, it should be only:

new loki(file, [options]);

adapter is an option just like the others, like this:

var user = null
      db = new loki("myuser.json",{
        adapter: adapter,
        autosave: true,
        autosaveInterval: 5000,
        autoload: true,
        autoloadCallback: function(){
            db_ready = true;
            console.log('from add collection don')
            if(db.getCollection("myaccount") == null ){
                myusers = db.addCollection("myaccount");



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