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pagination links not working codeigniter

I am using the pagination class in my codeigniter application. The pagination links show up fine, ie, I suppose the right number of links eg. 1 2 3 4 5 >, and the page loads up with the amount of entries I specified per page.

The error is when I click on one of the links to go to the next set of entries, it says "page cannot be found".


class Testimonials extends CI_Controller{

    public function __construct() {

    public function index(){
            'base_url'          =>  base_url('lalcoresidency/testimonials'),
            'per_page'          =>  15,
            'total_rows'        =>  $this->testimonial_model->num_rows(),           
            'full_tag_open'     =>  "<ul class='pagination'>",
            'full_tag_close'    =>  "</ul>",
            'first_tag_open'     =>  '<li>',
            'first_tag_close'    =>  '</li>',
            'last_tag_open'     =>  '<li>',
            'last_tag_close'    =>  '</li>',
            'next_tag_open'     =>  '<li>',
            'next_tag_close'    =>  '</li>',
            'prev_tag_open'     =>  '<li>',
            'prev_tag_close'    =>  '</li>',
            'num_tag_open'      =>  '<li>',
            'num_tag_close'     =>  '</li>',
            'cur_tag_open'      =>  "<li class='active'><a>",
            'cur_tag_close'     =>  '</a></li>',


class Testimonial_model extends CI_Model{

    function get_testimonial($limit,$offset){
        $this->db->order_by("r_id", "desc");
        return $result=$query->result();

    public function num_rows(){
        $this->db->order_by("r_id", "desc");

        return $result=$query->num_rows();

My website testimonial link is


You missed uri_segment in $config and change base_url as below. Try this

    class Testimonials extends CI_Controller{

    public function __construct() {

    public function index(){
            'base_url'          =>  base_url('testimonials/index'),
            'uri_segment'       => 3,
            'per_page'          =>  15,
            'total_rows'        =>  $this->testimonial_model->num_rows(),           
            'full_tag_open'     =>  "<ul class='pagination'>",
            'full_tag_close'    =>  "</ul>",
            'first_tag_open'     =>  '<li>',
            'first_tag_close'    =>  '</li>',
            'last_tag_open'     =>  '<li>',
            'last_tag_close'    =>  '</li>',
            'next_tag_open'     =>  '<li>',
            'next_tag_close'    =>  '</li>',
            'prev_tag_open'     =>  '<li>',
            'prev_tag_close'    =>  '</li>',
            'num_tag_open'      =>  '<li>',
            'num_tag_close'     =>  '</li>',
            'cur_tag_open'      =>  "<li class='active'><a>",
            'cur_tag_close'     =>  '</a></li>',


'base_url'=>  base_url('testimonials/index'),

Maybe this has something to do with URL rewriting.

first check if


is working.

If so, take a look at config.php:

$config['index_page'] = 'index.php';

If you enabled mod_rewrite and you want cleaner URLs (like the one you provided) you have to set the above variable to '' and configure an .htaccess as follow:

RewriteEngine on
RewriteCond $1 !^(index\.php|images|robots\.txt)
RewriteRule ^(.*)$ /index.php/$1 [L]

Hope this helps!


'base_url'=>  base_url() . 'testimonials/index/',

The technical post webpages of this site follow the CC BY-SA 4.0 protocol. If you need to reprint, please indicate the site URL or the original address.Any question please contact:yoyou2525@163.com.

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