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Angular2 rc1 router navigate by url

I have parent component with url /app when I enter enter into that component, by default following component is loaded with following routes:

   { path: '/users', component: UserComponent },
   { path: '/other', component: OtherComponent }

and I am implementing OnInit interface:

ngOnInit() {
    this.router.navigate(['users'], this.currSegment);

Since parent route is /app and child is implementing ngOnInit I can navigate to users, but if I want directly to navigate through url to route /other it is impossible.

There are two methods availabel for the same

  • router.navigate(['.....'])
  • router.navigateByUrl('.....')

if your going to use first one than you can use like this


which accepts array with route name

and in second case you have to pass string as parameter like this


passing parameter

if you want to send routing parameter along with routing than you can use like this


where id is your data/key whatever

see also

You need to declare your @Route params:

  { path: '/users/:id', component: UsersComponent }
export class MyComponent implements OnInit {
  constructor(private router: Router) {}
  ngOnInit() {
    // assuming this.userId comes from somewhere
    this.router.navigate(['/users/', this.userId]);

If you need to access your params, you can use RouteSegment in your constructor:

constructor(private segment: RouteSegment) {
  this.userId = segment.getParam('id');

在angular2 rc1中,不再有用于路由的name参数,您现在必须使用以下代码导航到其他页面


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