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GetUserMedia iOS issue?

I'm using the following code in an HTML5 page. When I run my page on Android and PC (chrome), the code works fine and I get the correct JavaScript alert(); but when I run the same page on an iOS device like iPhone or iPad, I don't get anything (no alert() at all).

This is my code:

navigator.getUserMedia = ( navigator.getUserMedia || // use the proper vendor prefix
                       navigator.webkitGetUserMedia ||
                       navigator.mozGetUserMedia ||

navigator.getUserMedia({video: true}, function() {
   alert('camera is supported in your browser');
}, function() {
   alert('camera is not supported in your browser!');

Is there something that I'm missing?

Any help would be appreciated.

一旦iOS11发布,它将在 2017 年秋季生效

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