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how can I set up a location in my mkannotationview in Swift?

In my code I'm adding a single pin to the map. So far I'm doing it like that:

let pinLocation = CLLocationCoordinate2D(
   latitude: locationTemp.latitude,
   longitude: locationTemp.longitude

let annotation = MKPointAnnotation()
annotation.coordinate = pinLocation


But now, since I want to create a custom pin image, I've read I have to switch to MKAnnotationView . But I don't know how to set the location of this annotation so that it shows the same annotation as my previous pin.

I tried this:

var pinView = MKAnnotationView()
pinView.image = UIImage(named:"MyCustomPin")

but I cannot find a way of setting here my locationTemp data.

If you check out the documentation and you'll see MKAnnotationView has an init method

init(annotation annotation: MKAnnotation?, reuseIdentifier reuseIdentifier: String?)

So there's the link between the view and the co-ordinates.

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