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how to use geointersects to check if a point is within a Polygon in mongodb

I'm trying to learn how to use geospatial query in MongoDB, but it seems that i can't really get it right! So i have my tiles collection in mongo, for the sake of the argument suppose i have only one document in it, most precisely, this one:

    "_id" : "-180-9018090",
    "geometry" : {
        "type" : "Polygon",
        "coordinates" : [
    "type" : "Feature",
    "properties" : {
        "zoom-level" : 0,
        "center" : [

which represents basically the entire world. Now i want to see if a certain point, let's say (0,0) is inside of this area. my understanding is that i should use a geointersects to achieve this task, so the query should look like this(?):

  geometry: {
     $geoIntersects: {
        $geometry: {
           type: "Point" ,
           coordinates: [ 0,0]

but of course the resultset is empty as my mind of ideas on why this is happening. Could you help me understanding what i'm doing wrong ?


upon further attempts, the query seems correct, so there must be something on how $geointersects works that i'm missing out. My finding so far trough an example:

let's suppose to have a 5 docs in our db:

          | 4|3 | => whole world tile: from [-90,-180] to [90,180]
          | 1|2 |

let's take this tile and divide it in 4:

*---*  *---*  *---*  *---*
| 1 |  | 2 |  | 3 |  | 4 | => 1) [-90,-180]-> [0,0]   (lower left)
*---*  *---*  *---*  *---*    2) [0,-90]   -> [180,0] (lower right)
                              3) [0,0]     -> [180,90](upper right)
                              4) [-180,0]  -> [0,90]  (upper left)

so, as the poor schema is struggling to show, we have 5 docs, each one representing a polygon of 4 vertices (wich in geoJson become 5 since you have to append the initial point at the end).

Now, using the same query will actually produce this result:

> db.tiles.find({ geometry: { $geoIntersects: { $geometry: { type: "Point", coordinates: [ 0,0 ] } } } }).sort({"zoom": 1})
    { "_id" : "0.0-90.0180.00.0", "geometry" : { "type" : "Polygon", "coordinates" : [ [ [ 0, -90 ], [ 180, -90 ], [ 180, 0 ], [ 0, 0 ], [ 0, -90 ] ] ] }, "zoom" : 1 }
    { "_id" : "-", "geometry" : { "type" : "Polygon", "coordinates" : [ [ [ -180, 0 ], [ 0, 0 ], [ 0, 90 ], [ -180, 90 ], [ -180, 0 ] ] ] }, "zoom" : 1 }
    { "_id" : "0.00.0180.090.0", "geometry" : { "type" : "Polygon", "coordinates" : [ [ [ 0, 0 ], [ 180, 0 ], [ 180, 90 ], [ 0, 90 ], [ 0, 0 ] ] ] }, "zoom" : 1 }

which are the tiles 2,3,4. In other words this two documents where left behind:

        "_id" : "-180-9018090",   ---> world wide tile
        "geometry" : {
            "type" : "Polygon",
            "coordinates" : [
        "zoom" : 0
    "_id" : "-180.0-",  ----> tile number 1 of the example
    "geometry" : {
        "type" : "Polygon",
        "coordinates" : [
    "zoom" : 1

Now, my first guess would be that the worldwide document isn't selected because it's too big, and maybe the other one for conventional reasons ? Can someone validate or disprove this? Thank you


This could be an explanation of why the bigger one is not selected, i'll test it out.


Looks like it's not. The CRS only works if you are trying to intersect two polygons, so the input query cannot be a point, as this page indicates.

This is not a solution, just a notification that indeed mongodb allows CRS only if you query a Polygon. ( see this ). But even if you query a Polygon, I cannot see how it would have helped: you want to specify that the Polygon that is in the DB is "big", bigger than semi-sphere (a polygon that spans more than half of the Earth's surface). So it make sense to me to enable CRS upon insertion.

I have raised an issue in mongodb Jira .

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