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ES6 export and import problems

I'm trying to export functions in ES6 to access them from other files. But I can't figure out how.

file 1: (import)

import components from './components/components';

file 2: (export)

var hej = () => {

export var hej;

Why can't I access the function "hej" declared in file 2 from file 1? It does not make sense for me.

Please help!

You're doing a named export, not a default export, so that import syntax won't work. To import hej as it stands, you'd have to do:

// Imports a single object by name
import { hej } from './components/components';


// Imports all exported objects grouped together under the specified name
import * as components from './components/components';

Also, your export syntax isn't right - export var hej should be export { hej } , as you're not defining a new variable there, you're using the existing one. Alternatively, you could change your function declaration to export var hej = () => { ... }; , and that would have the same effect.

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