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Getting “Authentication failure! invalid_credentials: OAuth2::Error” for custom omniauth strategy

Currently I am working on rails 4 project, and now I have to link / connect another application (not sso but for accessing API's) say example.com . ( Note: example.com uses 3-legged oauth security architecture)

After searching found that I have to implement omniouth strategy.

For this I have refereed this link. As per Strategy-Contribution-Guide I am able to complete setup and request Phase, You can find my sample code here.

require 'multi_json'
require 'omniauth/strategies/oauth2'
require 'uri'

module OmniAuth
  module Strategies
    class MyAppStrategy < OmniAuth::Strategies::OAuth2
      option :name, 'my_app_strategy'

   option :client_options, {
    site: site_url,
    authorize_url: authorize_url,
    request_url: request_url,
    token_url: token_url,
    token_method: :post,
    header: { Accept: accept_header }

  option :headers, { Accept: accept_header }
  option :provider_ignores_state, true

  def consumer
    ::OAuth::Consumer.new(options.client_id, options.client_secret, options.client_options)

  def request_phase # rubocop:disable MethodLength
    request_token = consumer.get_request_token({:oauth_callback => callback_url}, options.request_params)
    session["oauth"] ||= {}
    session["oauth"][name.to_s] = {"callback_confirmed" => request_token.callback_confirmed?, "request_token" => request_token.token, "request_secret" => request_token.secret}

    if request_token.callback_confirmed?
      redirect request_token.authorize_url(options[:authorize_params])
      redirect request_token.authorize_url(options[:authorize_params].merge(:oauth_callback => callback_url))

  rescue ::Timeout::Error => e
    fail!(:timeout, e)
  rescue ::Net::HTTPFatalError, ::OpenSSL::SSL::SSLError => e
    fail!(:service_unavailable, e)

  def callback_phase # rubocop:disable MethodLength
    fail(OmniAuth::NoSessionError, "Session Expired") if session["oauth"].nil?

    request_token = ::OAuth::RequestToken.new(consumer, session["oauth"][name.to_s].delete("request_token"), session["oauth"][name.to_s].delete("request_secret"))

    opts = {}
    if session["oauth"][name.to_s]["callback_confirmed"]
      opts[:oauth_verifier] = request["oauth_verifier"]
      opts[:oauth_callback] = 'http://localhost:3000/auth/callback' #callback_url

    @access_token = request_token.get_access_token(opts)
    rescue ::Timeout::Error => e
      fail!(:timeout, e)
    rescue ::Net::HTTPFatalError, ::OpenSSL::SSL::SSLError => e
      fail!(:service_unavailable, e)
    rescue ::OAuth::Unauthorized => e
      fail!(:invalid_credentials, e)
    rescue ::OmniAuth::NoSessionError => e
      fail!(:session_expired, e)

  def custom_build_access_token
    verifier = request["oauth_verifier"]
    client.auth_code.get_token(verifier, get_token_options(callback_url), deep_symbolize(options.auth_token_params))
  alias_method :build_access_token, :custom_build_access_token

  def raw_info
    @raw_info ||= access_token.get('users/me').parsed || {}


  def callback_url
    options[:redirect_uri] || (full_host + script_name + callback_path)

  def get_token_options(redirect_uri)
    { :redirect_uri => redirect_uri }.merge(token_params.to_hash(:symbolize_keys => true))


I am able redirect to example.com , also after login I am able to return to my callback_phase (you will ask how did you know, so answer is I have added binding.pry in callback_phase method for checking the flow).

But after executing the strategy I am getting following error

ERROR -- omniauth: (my_app_strategy) Authentication failure! invalid_credentials: OAuth2::Error.

After debugging found that I am getting this error for the super call (from callback_phase method).

First I though may be there are some credentials issue but I am able fetch access token using following (which is executing before the super call)

@access_token = request_token.get_access_token(opts)

Also for more information I am getting error for build_access_token which is the oauth2 method

You can refer this link for more info (just search the build_access_token on the page).

EDIT - 1

After debugging found that getting this issue from the request method . (While making the faraday request). Here is the code snippet

response = connection.run_request(verb, url, opts[:body], opts[:headers]) do |req|
    yield(req) if block_given?

Here is my faraday request

#<struct Faraday::Request method=:post, path="example.com/oauth/access_token", params={}, headers={"User-Agent"=>"Faraday v0.9.2", "Content-Type"=>"application/x-www-form-urlencoded"}, body={"grant_type"=>"authorization_code", "code"=>"aPexxxvUg", "client_id"=>"xxxxxur303GXEch7QK9k", "client_secret"=>"xxxxxxcad97b3d252e2bcdd393a", :redirect_uri=>"http://localhost:3000/auth/my_app_strategy/callback"}, options=#<Faraday::RequestOptions (empty)>>

In response I am getting following error message

HTTP Status 400 - Inadequate OAuth consumer credentials.

So can any one help to fix this issue?

Is there any other way to store the access token so that I can utilize this for communication purpose. Thanks

First of all, I wan to make clear how Oauth2 works:

Oauth2, the protocol says:

  1. You redirect the user to the provider sign in endpoint adding some required parameters (Ejm: PROVIDER/public/oauth?redirect_uri=MYWEB/oauthDemo& response_type=code&client_id=ABCDE). Sometimes there is also a scope/permission/resource parameter that indicates whats your purpose.

    -> Then the users signs in and is redirected to your endpoint MYWEB/public/oauth with a code

  2. Now you have to request the access token doing a POST to the providers endpoint. Example:

    POST PROVIDER?code=d5Q3HC7EGNH36SE3N& client_id=d4HQNPFIXFD255H& client_secret=1a98b7cb92407cbd8961cd8db778de53& redirect_uri= https://example.com/oauthDemo& grant_type=authorization_code

  3. Now you have the access_token and you can use it to get information or decode it using JWT.

Having this clear, and seeing that your call seems corect:

  #<struct Faraday::Request method=:post, path="PROVIDER/oauth/access_token", params={}, headers={"User-Agent"=>"Faraday v0.9.2", "Content-Type"=>"application/x-www-form-urlencoded"}, body={"grant_type"=>"authorization_code", "code"=>"aPexxxvUg", "client_id"=>"xxxxxur303GXEch7QK9k", "client_secret"=>"xxxxxxcad97b3d252e2bcdd393a", :redirect_uri=>"MYWEB/auth/my_app_strategy/callback"}, options=#<Faraday::RequestOptions (empty)>>

As the response is "HTTP Status 400 - Inadequate OAuth consumer credentials.", I think maybe you:

a. Your client is not well configured on the Provider. Usually you use to have a basic configuration on the provider site so he can recognise you. So maybe is not well configured.

b. There is a resource/permission/scope parameter missing or wrong configured on the first step (in the redirection to the provider). So when you ask for the token there is a problem.

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