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Asp.NET MVC 6, TagHelper “asp-for” to Model itself

Lets say I have this partial View:

@model DateTime?
<input asp-for="???" class="form-control" />

What goes to ??? to bind to the Model its self?


<input asp-for="@Model" class="form-control" />

It looks like asp-for tag helper sets the "name" and the "value" attributes of an input html tag. If your model is a simple type or a complex type that behaves like a value type such as string or DateTime?, asp-for helper fails at setting the "name" attribute. So your options are:

@model DateTime?
<input name="mytime" value="@Model" class="form-control" />

And the controller:

public IActionResult ReadMyForm(DateTime? mytime)
    // Do your thing...
    return Ok();

Or if you insist on using asp-for, then you can employ a little hack:

@model DateTime?
    var mytime = Model;
<input asp-for="@mytime" class="form-control" />

Better late than never, I guess :)

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