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Unable to use protocol as associatedtype in another protocol in Swift

I have a protocol, Address , which inherits from another protocol, Validator , and Address fulfills the Validator requirement in the extension.

There is another protocol, FromRepresentable , which has an associatedType ( ValueWrapper ) requirement which should be Validator .

Now if I try to use Address as associatedType , then it does not compile. It says,

Inferred type 'Address' (by matching requirement 'valueForDetail') is invalid: does not conform to 'Validator'.

Is this usage illegal? Shouldn't we be able to use Address in place of Validator , as all Addresses are Validator .

Below is the piece of code I am trying.

enum ValidationResult {
    case Success
    case Failure(String)

protocol Validator {
    func validate() -> ValidationResult

//Address inherits Validator
protocol Address: Validator {
    var addressLine1: String {get set}
    var city: String {get set}
    var country: String {get set}

////Fulfill Validator protocol requirements in extension
extension Address {
    func validate() -> ValidationResult {
        if addressLine1.isEmpty {
            return .Failure("Address can not be empty")
        return .Success

protocol FormRepresentable {
    associatedtype ValueWrapper: Validator
    func valueForDetail(valueWrapper: ValueWrapper) -> String

// Shipping Address conforming to Address protocol. 
// It should also implicitly conform to Validator since
// Address inherits from Validator?
struct ShippingAddress: Address {
    var addressLine1 = "CA"
    var city = "HYD"
    var country = "India"

// While compiling, it says:
// Inferred type 'Address' (by matching requirement 'valueForDetail') is invalid: does not conform
// to 'Validator'.
// But Address confroms to Validator.
enum AddressFrom: Int, FormRepresentable {
    case Address1
    case City
    case Country

    func valueForDetail(valueWrapper: Address) -> String {
        switch self {
        case .Address1:
            return valueWrapper.addressLine1
        case .City:
            return valueWrapper.city
        case .Country:
            return valueWrapper.country

Update: Filed a bug.

The problem, which David has already alluded to , is that once you constrain a protocol's associatedtype to a specific (non @objc ) protocol, you have to use a concrete type to satisfy that requirement.

This is because protocols don't conform to themselves – therefore meaning that you cannot use Address to satisfy the protocol's associated type requirement of a type that conforms to Validator , as Address is not a type that conforms to Validator .

As I demonstrate in my answer here , consider the counter-example of:

protocol Validator {
protocol Address : Validator {}

protocol FormRepresentable {
    associatedtype ValueWrapper: Validator

extension FormRepresentable {
    static func foo() {
        // if ValueWrapper were allowed to be an Address or Validator,
        // what instance should we be constructing here?
        // we cannot create an instance of a protocol.

// therefore, we cannot say:
enum AddressFrom : FormRepresentable {
    typealias ValueWrapper = Address

The simplest solution would be to ditch the Validator protocol constraint on your ValueWrapper associated type, allowing you to use an abstract type in the method argument.

protocol FormRepresentable {
    associatedtype ValueWrapper
    func valueForDetail(valueWrapper: ValueWrapper) -> String

enum AddressFrom : Int, FormRepresentable {

    // ...

    func valueForDetail(valueWrapper: Address) -> String {
        // ...

If you need the associated type constraint, and each AddressFrom instance only expects a single concrete implementation of Address as an input – you could use generics in order for your AddressFrom to be initialised with a given concrete type of address to be used in your method.

protocol FormRepresentable {
    associatedtype ValueWrapper : Validator
    func valueForDetail(valueWrapper: ValueWrapper) -> String

enum AddressFrom<T : Address> : Int, FormRepresentable {

    // ...

    func valueForDetail(valueWrapper: T) -> String {
        // ...

// replace ShippingAddress with whatever concrete type you want AddressFrom to use
let addressFrom = AddressFrom<ShippingAddress>.Address1

However, if you require both the associated type constraint and each AddressFrom instance must be able to handle an input of any type of Address – you'll have use a type erasure in order to wrap an arbitrary Address in a concrete type.

protocol FormRepresentable {
    associatedtype ValueWrapper : Validator
    func valueForDetail(valueWrapper: ValueWrapper) -> String

struct AnyAddress : Address {

    private var _base: Address

    var addressLine1: String {
        get {return _base.addressLine1}
        set {_base.addressLine1 = newValue}
    var country: String {
        get {return _base.country}
        set {_base.country = newValue}
    var city: String {
        get {return _base.city}
        set {_base.city = newValue}

    init(_ base: Address) {
        _base = base

enum AddressFrom : Int, FormRepresentable {

    // ...

    func valueForDetail(valueWrapper: AnyAddress) -> String {
        // ...

let addressFrom = AddressFrom.Address1

let address = ShippingAddress(addressLine1: "", city: "", country: "")


You've got a several issues:

First of all, you don't actually declare that Address implements Validator

//Address inherits Validator
protocol Address : Validator {
    var addressLine1: String {get set}
    var city: String {get set}
    var country: String {get set}

And you don't declare the associated type for ValueWrapper:

typealias ValueWrapper = ShippingAddress

And you seem to actually be wanting AddressFrom.valueForDetail to take a ShippingAddress :

func valueForDetail(valueWrapper: ShippingAddress) -> String {
    switch self {
    case .Address1:
        return valueWrapper.addressLine1
    case .City:
        return valueWrapper.city
    case .Country:
        return valueWrapper.country

Altogether, it looks like:

enum ValidationResult {
    case Success
    case Failure(String)

protocol Validator {
    func validate() -> ValidationResult

//Address inherits Validator
protocol Address : Validator {
    var addressLine1: String {get set}
    var city: String {get set}
    var country: String {get set}

////Fulfill Validator protocol requirements in extension
extension Address {
    func validate() -> ValidationResult {
        if addressLine1.isEmpty {
            return .Failure("Address can not be empty")
        return .Success

protocol FormRepresentable {
    associatedtype ValueWrapper: Validator
    func valueForDetail(valueWrapper: ValueWrapper) -> String

// Shipping Address conforming to Address protocol.
// It should also implicity conform to Validator since
// Address inherits from Validator?
struct ShippingAddress: Address {
    var addressLine1 = "CA"
    var city = "HYD"
    var country = "India"

// While compiling, it says:
// Inferred type 'Address' (by matching requirement 'valueForDetail') is invalid: does not conform
// to 'Validator'.
// But Address confroms to Validator.
enum AddressFrom: Int, FormRepresentable {
    case Address1
    case City
    case Country

    // define associated type for FormRepresentable
    typealias ValueWrapper = ShippingAddress
    func valueForDetail(valueWrapper: ShippingAddress) -> String {
        switch self {
        case .Address1:
            return valueWrapper.addressLine1
        case .City:
            return valueWrapper.city
        case .Country:
            return valueWrapper.country

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