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Spark streaming maintain kafka offset periodically as it processes

In spark streaming direct-approach from kafka, there is a way by which I can know the kafka offset level ranges. However if I would like periodically maintain offset level so that if needed I can reprocess items from a offset. Is there any way I can retrieve offset of a message in rdd while I am processing each message? Eg With offsetranges, I have start and end offset for the RDD, but what if while processing each record of the RDD system encounters and error and job ends. Now if I want to begin processing from the record that failed, how do I first save the last successful offset so that I can start with that when starting next time.

With Spark 1.3 released there is a new direct approach (no receiver) that hides this low-level complexity behind the scenes. In case of a failure and sufficient Kafka retention messages can be recovered from Kafka automatically after restart.

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