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How to script to turn off mac window mirroring,

So I have 150+ users who are using a mac mini, El Capitan. I use deploy studio to make an image so I can clean out the junk every so often, on this image I have settings and such that I can regulate, I am not sure how to make it so the first time someone logs in, the windows are not mirrored, (everyone is using dual monitors). Is this possible? I can make an Apple script to do it just fine, but that isn't acceptable in this case.

Question : How do I set the preference/setting of "mirror windows" to be automatically or always unchecked?

也许这个链接可以帮助您解决问题: https//discussions.apple.com/thread/2750766?tstart = 0

The setting for whether a display is mirrored or not is controlled per display using the key "Mirrored" in this file:


However, that file contains a list of displays, each potentially with a unique identifier. You might be able to lay down the same file on multiple machines provided they all have the same monitor model, but I don't know for sure.

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