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Angular-CLI Serve with Lint Watch

Is there any way to run ng lint while watching for file changes during ng serve ? To encourage best practices according to the Angular 2 Style Guide our CI tool runs ng lint during the build process and it isn't always a developers first thought to run lint before submitting a pull request.

Is it possible to customize what ng serve does or has anyone figured out a way to include running lint as part of the recompilation process? If not, I'd also be interested in knowing whether others have any opinions on whether this is a good idea or not and why.

You can define an additional npm script with a watch using nodemon for this.

  1. Install nodemon npm package globally ( npm i -g nodemon ) or in your project ( npm i --save-dev nodemon )
  2. Define the npm script in package.json (under "scripts" ): `

    "lint:watch": "nodemon --exec \\"npm run lint || exit 1\\" --ext ts,html,scss"

  3. Run npm run lint:watch

You can change the --ext ts,html,scss,json to whatever file extensions you want to cause lint to restart. For further documentation of nodemon, see https://github.com/remy/nodemon#nodemon

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