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Add a custom script on “place order” button on woocommerce checkout page

I'm trying to add this script on "place order" button of woocommerce checkout page:


but If I put it inside the footer.php file it doesn't work.

I've find a resource that suggests to me to override the woocommerce checkout.js file make a clone inside /my-theme/woocommerce folder but now I don't understand where to put my custom script in order to make it works.

Thank you

Your script has to be put inside the ready handler, but still you have one problem, on each ready event ( whenever DOM is fully loaded ) woocommerce update the Order Review section through Ajax, so this action will remove your disabled class from the Place Order button.

You can use the custom event updated_checkout which will be triggered at the end of each Update Order Review ajax action.

Do some thing like this.

function add_checkout_script() { ?>

    <script type="text/javascript">

        jQuery(document).on( "updated_checkout", function(){


add_action( 'woocommerce_after_checkout_form', 'add_checkout_script' );

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